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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blood and Roses (1960)

Tonight I watched Blood and Roses on Netflix, a 1960 French film that, like Crypt of the Vampire and The Vampire Lovers is an adaptation of Sheridan LeFanu's Carmilla.

But O, what a difference-- Blood and Roses comes from Roger Vadim, and where Vampire Lovers was a gothic cheesecake film and Crypt was a spooky mood piece, Vadim's movie is a beautiful, haunting, genuinely well-made and often surreal vampire movie that focuses on a small cast and the forbidden loves between them.
In this version, Carmilla is possessed by a vampire who wants to possess the handsome Leopoldo, and she chooses the beautiful Mircalla, who is jealous of (but also a little infatuated with) the stunning Georgia, who luckily has the same jealous/not so jealous thing going on. There are fireworks, costume balls, explosions and even a caaaa-raaazy dream sequence that puts the foreign in foreign film.

 You know how I often have to explain that a movie I'm watching has to be enjoyed in some removed or ironic fashion? This is not a movie like that-- it can be enjoyed as a prime piece of French New Wave.

Check out the slightly racy, very weird dream sequence here.

I cannot recommend this movie enough.

Here's a trailer:

If you wish to see the whole movie, you can just start watching it here:


  1. Hey Neat! I've always been a fan of Carmilla. From the original story through cameos in Nancy Garden's Prisoner of Vampires (for kids) to Kyle Marffin's Camilla the return(not for kids). I've wondered about this movie but could never find it. thanks for the review and the link.

  2. I hope you dig it, Robb! Also note that you can watch it as part of Netflix streaming...
