Jason Henderson's FB Feed

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SIX DAYS! Pre-Order! (And tune in tonight!) (Voice of the Undead Countdown Minus 6)

With Alex Van Helsing: Voice of the Undead coming out on July 26, I'm counting down 60 cool (often vampire) things. Today:

Tune in tonight to the Castle Dracula Podcast! And by "Tune In," of course I mean click that link and you can either dial in or listen on computer. Tonight the topic is kung-fu vampires.
Description: A look at the one the most awesome and awesomely off vampire movies ever, the kung-fu vampire extravaganza LEGEND OF THE SEVEN GOLDEN VAMPIRES starring Peter Cushing. Hosted by the creators of the Alex Van Helsing book series (Jason Henderson), indy comic Halloween Man (Drew Edwards), and manga Psy-comm (Tony Salvaggio), and token female attorney Julia Guzman. We'll cap it off with a look at kung fu, vampires, and of course Q&A from the audience!
Meanwhile: holy mackerel. Alex Van Helsing: Voice of the Undead comes out in SIX DAYS! It's been a long road since the first book came out last year-- I've talked to literally thousands of readers and even got to be the only Texan on the Texas Lone Star List. Now, book two is finally coming out. I want to do more of these-- and I want this book to blow the first one out of the water. 
  1. If you like Alex Van Helsing, pre-order. Pre-orders are everything. If you haven't, pre-order the book by clicking the Amazon link to the left.
  2. Want more to do? Read a Preview of Alex Van Helsing: Voice of the Undead at HarperTeen!
  3. While you're there, put the Read Inside widget you see below on your site by going to the preview page and clicking "Put this book on your site" in the upper right to grab the code for the widget. Then you can just paste it into your blog.
  4. Finally, thank you to all the readers who have written in! I've had a blast hearing from all of you.
So! Go read, and then pre-order. Voice of the Undead comes out on July 26 and I for one can't stand the suspense.

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