Jason Henderson's FB Feed

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Examiner: Alex Van Helsing: 4 Stars

 Caitlin Stanford at Examiner weighs in today with a neat review of Alex Van Helsing. Caitlin, who recently did an interview with me on the book, gives Alex 4 stars:

And so begins the first adventure of Jason Henderson's wonderfully drawn character, Alex Van Helsing, in his debut novel for teens, Alex Van Helsing: Vampire Rising.  Readers are immediately thrown into the action with Alex Van Helsing.  Conflict arises on the very first page, almost in the very first sentence.  Readers are thrust into Alex's world like a stake to the heart, and it's an immediate rush.

Read the rest here!

Thanks, Caitlin!


  1. Jason,

    My name is Connie, Editor and Owner of www.vampire-empire.com. I came across a news article regarding Alex Van Helsing. I love the concept. If you can get a copy to me, I'd be happy to give it some positive review publicity on my site. Let me know what you need from me. I can be reached at connie AT vampire-empire.com. I wish you much success.

  2. Hi Connie! Thanks for the kind words. I'll see what I can do!
